The Lumby Days Society is a non-profit Society.

The Purpose of the Society is to:

  1. Develop, organize, promote, assist and encourage goodwill and fellowship in the community.
  2. Develop and obtain participation from all persons in carrying out the purposes of the society.
  3. Plan, prepare, hold and participate, in any and all events that promotes and encourages the purposes of the society.


Citizens of Lumby have celebrated Lumby Days in various forms. We have focused on agriculture, rodeos, sport tournaments, forestry related exhibitions parades, children activities and many more. The one thing that has been consistent over all the years is the “family festival” atmosphere which we continue to strive for.

Plans for Lumby Days commence 9-10 months prior to the festival. The executive and Directors are elected at the Annual General Meeting in September. During the next two months committees are formed, committee leaders appointed and plans for the various activities are made. By January, the “theme” of the festival will be decided and actual bookings for activities are finalized. In February and March the various committees will dedicate their time to gathering necessary volunteers, contacting their exhibitors, and getting a general plan for their activities. By April and May all the committee leaders meet to put the show together, arrange for times and co-ordinate the festival to facilitate all the activities that will take place.

The Lumby Days Society is a non profit organization. The purpose of the executive committee is to co-ordinate all the activities for Lumby Days so that all the clubs, organizations and groups can exhibit at the festival, promote their organization and fund raise for their individual clubs etc.

There is no charge to enter the parks and enjoy the Lumby Family Festival. In order for the committee to pay the necessary rentals, insurance, security, first aid, advertising, etc. we require the clubs and organizations taking part to pay 10% of their net profit to the Lumby Days Society. Other than the sale of Lumby Days buttons and the 10% payment, the Lumby Days Society depend on donations to finance the family festival.

The Lumby Days Family Festival requires many volunteers and many committed hours, some small duties, others larger. If you feel you could or would be willing to assist the committee, please contact a society member…. WELCOME EVERYONE…..